Southern 455819 approaching London Victoria Station.455841 standing at platform 2 at Brighton Station.455841 standing at platform 2 at Brighton Station.LED dot-matrix display at Brighton Station showing a farewell message to Southern Class 455.A closer look to the front of 455841 with the “39 Years” sign with the logo of Network Southeast.
South Western Railway Class 455
SWR 455703 near Wimbledon Depot.SWR 455715 running along side a stopped freight train at Weybridge Station.SWR 455715 calling at Weybridge Station.SWR 455723 near Wimbledon Depot.SWR 455849 near Wimbledon Depot.SWR 455852 approaching Weybridge Station.SWR 455866 slowing down to call at Weybridge Station.SWR 455906 near Wimbledon Depot.SWR 455914 Calling at Weybridge Station.A nameplate showing specs of a Class 455 carriage.A side view of a Class 455 motor carriage.